Thursday, February 11, 2010

cot damn

Jesus that rap battle still makes me laugh.

Just in case you haven't seen the commercials, all you can eat pancakes is back at IHOP (!). I went there on Tuesday with Marina because I had a craving for pancakes for whatever reason. Ended up getting the big ass steak omelet with NY cheesecake pancakes and let me tell you, those are not good. Maybe they f'd up somehow but they tasted like regular pancakes to us with some strawberries on top. When it came time to pay I wanted Marina to pay on her card so the waitress would get the tip for sure and I would give Marina the cash for it. Marina didn't want to do this for some reason and I had to yell at her until she acquiesced (I spelled this right first try).

Here's another thing that happened to me. I go to the dental college for my teeth because it's cheaper than the dentist. I kind of know why now but I think it's still worth it. I'm always there for at least two and a half hours because he has to get his busy teachers to check up on everything and he inevitable screws shit up. He always breaths heavily when he's mashing on my teeth but that's kind of endearing. Anyways about a month ago I had to get some prescription mouthwash because my gums are totally fubar. The problem is that this witches brew is slowly killing my taste buds and I can't taste anything anymore. Sucks...

Here's a tangent, in those restaurant commercials where they show the fork cutting a bite out of an entree, where does the fork go? Do they just take it out of frame and end it? What's up with that.

It snowed A LOT on Tuesday. If anyone who orders food for delivery is reading this, don't order fifteen minutes before the place closes and the guy has to take his goddamn bike and bring a sandwich to your house six blocks away on streets that haven't had the snow cleared off them by hydroplaning all six blocks and give him a three dollar tip and expect him NOT to go buy three dollars worth of eggs and throw them at your house later.

Taxi drivers are psychotic in the city. Also don't look up when you see these signs.

Just finished cooking breakfast for us so I'm gonna make like a ball and bounce.

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