Saturday, February 07, 2009

just a quick one

Before I go play wow.
I replied to a craigslist ad for a data entry position on thursday. I went in and interviewed i guess but i was pretty much just shooting the bull with this guy. Then he emails me to come to the office for further interviews. I go where he tells me and it ends up being a house. This is where i started to become weary of what was going on, since marina kept bringing up the realistic thought that it might be a scam of some kind.

I rang the doorbell and a stranger greeted me while the assistant chick scrambled down the stairs to meet me. She brought me up and told me to take my shoes and jackets, not a typo i wear two jackets, off and put them in the closet. We then went through a curtain where i was informed that gary was making his famous lasagna, on the periphery i saw an asian dude on a ladder fixing the lighting with a white guy assisting him. I was then told to just help them, so i did what i could to assist with the taping of the extension cords to the wall. That's when the asian guy, who's name is Waylay by the way, slipped off the ladder and was hanging from the rafters. Right about there Gary told me he would be paying me eight dollars an hour for whatever the fuck i was doing.

We ate and talked for an hour or so then started moving his comic collection to his friend's storage a couple blocks away. Tangent number one: white dude's name is Tyler. In exchange for taking Gary's comic books the friend had us take some of his junk back to Gary. There wasn't enough room for me in the xB to go back so i had to take a cab back. That was the first time i've ever paid for a taxi to go somewhere in my life. When i got back Gary left and it was just Tyler and Waylay left. Tangent number two: Gary said later in the day we would go to the roof for some beers since it was a pretty nice day (tangent two point five: he lives a couple blocks from Wrigley field). To end the day we had a couple beers and left (before Gary came home). This is officially the weirdest, most unofficial job i've ever had, and that's saying something.

More quirky details at a later time. PS: hope this is better than the text walls i've been shitting out.

1 comment:

  1. "We then went through a curtain where i was".... subjected to the most disgusting thing 10 humans could do plus two baby humans while One extra human (me) watched in abject horror. Imagine if you will, data entry taken to satanic lengths. not hard to do. at this point the siamese asian hermaphrodites slipped off the wet back of the gila monster and Gary Gygax shouted "WHAT DO YOU THINK? EIGHT DOLLARS GEWD ENOUGH? PLUS ALCOHOL TO DRINK WHILE WORKING?"

    ... And that's when I barfed up "famous" lasagna....


Go ahead make my day